Author:Gray Henry and Susannah Marriott
Publisher: Fons Vitae
The word bead itself has an "interfaith" origin. It comes from both the Sanskrit "buddh", which refers to Self-Realization (the Buddha is The Enlightened One), and also derives from the Saxon verb "bidden", to pray.
Beads first seeks to answer such questions as: In the various world religions, what are the different forms the rosary has taken? What is actually said while using them and what do these spiritual practices sound like? What gives the repetition of a Divine Name or mantra the power to be efficacious and how does it activate the heart? How does the symbolism of the rose and the meaning of the Sacred, or rather Secret, Garden, or rosarium, relate to attaining one's own "Kingdom of Heaven within"?
The viewer is then treated to stunning imagery in art and photography as this practice in the various faiths is chronologically presented--each tradition made clearer through the wisdom found in the others.