

  • Sufism & Good Character image

    White Thread Press

    Sufism & Good Character

    The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, "On the Day of Resurrection, nothing will weigh heavier upon the Scales than good character" (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi). The scholars of the science of Sufism explained the way to live the guidance of the beloved...

  • The Heirs of the Prophets image

    Starlatch Press

    The Heirs of the Prophets

    From the back cover: ?This book achieves two major triumphs that speak to the modem Muslim intellectual condition. First, it deeply inspires in the serious reader-like very few books of human origin-the love and desire to gain true knowledge. It...

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    The History of the Khalifahs image

    Ta-Ha Publishing Ltd. UK

    The History of the Khalifahs

    Title: The History of the KhalifahsAuthor: Imam as-SuyutiISBN: 9781842000977Publisher: Ta-Ha Publishing Ltd. UK Tarikh al-Khulafa' is justly famous in Arabic, and rarely out of print. In the Original it comprises the histories of all those who have been...

  • The Way of Sufi Chivalry image

    Inner Traditions Bear Company

    The Way of Sufi Chivalry

    Title: The Way of Sufi ChivalryAuthor: Ibn al_Husayn al_sulami / Translated by Tosun Bayrak al-JerrahiISBN: 9780892813179Publisher: Inner Traditions Used since the 10th century as a guide to enlightened behavior, this book reveals the true meaning of...

  • Fez: City of Islam image

    The Islamic Texts Society (UK)

    Fez: City of Islam

    Fez, City of Islam is undoubtedly one of Titus Burckhardt?s masterpieces. It conveys a profound understanding of the sacred roots that nourish Islamic culture and civilisation. As a young man in the 1930s, Burckhardt spent some years in Morocco where he...

  • The Secret of Secrets image

    The Islamic Texts Society (UK)

    The Secret of Secrets

    An interpretative translation by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak of Sirr al-Asrar by Hadrat Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (1077-1166AD), considered by many to be one of the greatest saints of Islam and the eponymous founder of the Qadiriyya order. This book, appearing in...

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    Riyadh Us Saliheen 2 Volume set image

    India Press

    Riyadh Us Saliheen 2 Volume set

    An extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. Covering every aspect of Islamic belief and moral conduct, it selects approximately 2000 hadith from the six major collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, An-Nisai and Ibn Majah...

  • Beads of Faith image

    Fons Vitae

    Beads of Faith

    ?Using beads in prayer is archetypal?it is common to all the great faiths from the oldest, Hinduism, to modern Christianity. Here, for the first time, an accessible anthology introduces a mainstream readership to the rosary and prayer-bead traditions of...

  • Man & the Universe image

    Wakeel Books

    Man & the Universe

    Title: Man & The UniverseAuthor: Mostafa Al BadawiISBN: 9789957230227Publishing House: Wakeel Books Many thinking people now have an inward sense that 21st- century humanity faces stark and urgent challenges that demand wise and decisive responses...

  • The Book of Illumination image

    Fons Vitae

    The Book of Illumination

    The Book of Illumination is a translation of al-Tanwir fi Isqat al-Tadbir, a Sufi text composed by the Muslim saint and jurist, Ibn Ata'illah al-Iskandari. The text is about avoiding the anxieties associated with rational calculation, hoarding wealth,...

  • The Value of Time image

    Awakening Publications

    The Value of Time

    Title: The Value of TimeAuthor: Shaykh Abd Al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah / translated by Yusra al-GhannouchiISBN: 9780954329457Publisher: Awakening The Value of Time is a collection of amazing sayings, anecdotes and wonderful stories of the scholars of the...

  • The Broken Chain image

    Amal Press (UK)

    The Broken Chain

    What is implied by ?traditional? Islam and how does it differ from other readings of Islam? How did the salaf and the khalaf understand and categorise ?knowledge? and how does it differ from ?information?? What is the importance of an "isnad" and what...

  • The Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith image

    The Quilliam Press (UK)

    The Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith

    This is a translation of Imam al-Qazwini's abridgement of Imam al-Bayhaqi's Shu`ab al-Iman (The Branches of Faith) by Sidi Abdal-Hakim Murad. It is a translation of one of the most popular manuals of Islam, divided into seventy-seven chapters, each...

  • Islam Denounces Terrorism image

    Amal Press (UK)

    Islam Denounces Terrorism

    This book maintains that terrorism is not from a divine religion, and that there is no room for terrorism in Islam. This is made clear in the Qur'an, the main source of Islam, and in the practices of all faithful Muslims. Religion commands love, mercy...

  • Sufi Sage of Arabia image

    Fons Vitae

    Sufi Sage of Arabia

    Title: Sufi Sage of Arabia: Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-HaddadAuthor: Mostafa al-BadawiISBN: 9781887752657Publisher: Fons Vitae This unique biography of the saint Imam Abdallah al-Haddad takes readers into the fascinating world and spiritual life of...

  • ALCHEMY image

    Fons Vitae


    Fons Vitae is pleased to announce the publication of a new edition of Alchemy, dedicated to Madame Edith Burckhardt. Spiritual attainment has frequently been described in the terminology of the alchemical tradition whereby man?s leaden dull nature is...

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