Educating Children: Classical Advice for Modern Times
Dar Al-Turath (South Africa)
- SKU:
- BKDTI1003
- MPN:
- 9780955964985
Author: Imam Muhammad bin Ahmed al-Ramli/translated by Abdul Aziz Ahmed
ISBN: 978-0955964985
Publisher: Dar Al-Turath (South Africa)
Educating Children is a translation and commentary on a classical Arabic poem about bringing up children. The advice it contains draws on traditional sources, the experience of the translator, and the reflections of people from various walks of life. The author of the poem Riyâdatul Sibyân, is the famed 16th Century jurist, Imâm al-Ramli. Its translator, Abdul Aziz Ahmed, is an experienced teacher who studied both classical Islamic texts with renowned scholars, and modern psychology and pedagogy.
The book discusses child development from the point of choosing a spouse to the child’s attaining maturity. It contains explanations of key concepts such as adab, etiquette, aql, intellect and role models. There are practical examples and reflections on real situations, as well as explanations of prophetic traditions.
Each chapter contains discussion points and quotes from various contributors. The topics include discipline, gender roles, the influence of television and mass advertising, the importance of finding time to play and relax, and ways of developing the intellect. This book is classical advice for modern times.