In this fascinating talk, after some introductory comments about the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu `alayhi wa salam) and who he was, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi describes over ninety ways the Prophet (sal Allahu `alayhi wa salam) appears in people?s dreams, giving the interpretation of each dream: If you see the Prophet (sal Allahu `alayhi wa salam) with his hands open, you will perform Hajj. If you see him leaning, your worries and difficulties will be removed. If he hands you a book, you will become a teacher. If he gives you bread, you will attain wealth. If he offers you honey, you will memorize the Qur?an. If he appears beardless or having a short beard, it means you lack righteousness and should strive to improve. If you see him while you are pregnant, you will have a boy and thus should name him Muhammad. If you see him in the middle of the night, you will be a wali of Allah (friend of God) in your forties. These are just a few examples of the many dreams of the Prophet (sal Allahu `alayhi wa salam) Shaykh Muhammad interprets during this amazing talk. In addition, he explains how anyone who tries to add to the praises of the Prophet (sal Allahu `alayhi wa salam) is attempting the impossible, because there are no praises beyond the praises of Allah.